Tools for Students and Parents


College Admissions

Crimson Coaching is an affiliate of Amazon and other companies recommended on this page. Dr P will receive a small commission if you purchase through the links imbedded in this images, but she would endorse these resources without it (and has done so for many of them for years).

Paying for College

Logo of Scholarship GPS

Scholarship GPS is an online course designed to assist students and families to identify, apply for, and keep organized outside private colleges. To read more by Dave on Dr P’s blog, visit “How Outside College Scholarships Can Earn You a Debt-Free College Degree.” To register for Dave’s upcoming webinar with Dr P, “Graduate With a Debt-Free College Degree,” visit our Classes & Workshops page.


Test Prep


Test stress reduction

Listen to the recording to release stress or anxiety and find calm before taking your next test.

Time Management, Study Skills, and Habit Formation

Lifelong Learning on YouTube

So You Want to Go to an Ivy League College?

Study Like a Pro: How to Ace Finals, APs, Regents, and More!

Set Your Clock to Success: Time Management for Teens