upcoming free Talks
(times listed occur in EDT; location virtual unless stated otherwise)
March 13, 7pm. “Graduate With a Debt-Free College Degree.” Joint webinar with Dave Peterson of Scholarship GPS. Register here.
March 14, 6pm. “Dealing with "Highly Rejective” Colleges.” Register here.
March 21, 6pm. “Gap Year: How To, Why, & Who Might Take One.” Register here.
April 4, 6pm. Study Like a Pro: Acing APs, Finals, Regents and More! Register here.
April 18, 6pm. Impact Projects: Stand Out During College Applications. Register here.
April 25, 6pm. Community College Bound? Consider This. Register here.
Missed Dr. P.’s 2/12 talk for Syosset Public Library? No problem! Catch the replay here!
“I… attended your College Prep seminar at Bayport Blue Point Library on Nov 2 last year. I just wanted to thank you for giving me very important information on SAT going digital next March and implications of the change.
Because of the seminar and the information you provided with us, we determined to prep for SAT in summer in order to reach the target score on paper-based SAT while it is still available…. He took his first SAT on Oct 7 and just got his score back this morning — 1550, exactly what he was aiming at.
Without your seminar, we would still be totally clue-less about looming SAT changes…. Thank you so much for your kindness for sharing your expert knowledge with us.”
Ask Dr. P. to Speak
CURRENT Workshop Topics
These talks are intended for parents whose children are in the GRADES in PARENTHESES. The best season in which to offer the program is noted after the grade level. ( F= Fall, W = Winter, SP = Spring, SM = Summer)
Achieving Goals: Tips from Science and a Goal-Setting Junkie (any, all)
NEW! The ACT’s Changing, Too? Should You Take the New SAT, the New ACT, or No Test At All (9-12; all)
Applying to College, One Step at a Time: A Timeline For HS Juniors, Seniors & Parents (10-12; F, W)
Building School Centered Relationships (6 and up; F, W)
NEW! Centering the Self During the College Application Process (10-12; all)
College Planning for Parents of HS Freshmen and Sophomores (in English or Spanish) (8-10; F, W)
College Tours: Make the Most Before, During, and After Your Tour (9-12; W, SP)
The Common App: Do’s and Don’t’s for Finishing It Well and on Time (11-12; SP, SM, F)
Community College Bound? Consider This Before Applying (11-12; W, SP)
Craft a Smart College List (9-12; all)
Dealing with “Highly Rejective” Colleges (10-12; SP)
The Digital SAT / PSAT: What’s New and How to Prepare for It (9-11; all)
NEW! Gap Year: How To, Why, & Who Might Take One (10-12; all)
NEW! Get Ready for High School! 3-Night Course (6-10; F, W)
Getting Great Letters of Recommendation (9-12; SP, SM)
Goal Setting (All ages; F, W)
Helping The LD Child: How Parents of Children Who Learn Differently Can Help Their Kids Thrive (all; all)
Click on the underlined program title in crimson to read the full program description and speaker (Dr. P.) bio.
NEW! How to Write an Analytical Essay (Age 12 to Adult)
Impact Projects: Stand Out during College Applications (9-12; all)
Interview Like a Rock Star: Prepare for College, Scholarship & Job Interviews (all; all)
Introduction to American Colleges, Universities, and Applications (6-12; all)
Organize Your Backpack, Room & School STUFF! (5-10; all)
Neuroscience for Learning (all; all)
Picking the Right MS/HS Courses for Highly Selective College Admissions (6-12: W)
Prepare for Your AP History Exam (9-12; W, SP)
Planificar Asistir a la Universidad (9-10; otoño, invierno)
Self-Care and Taming Anxiety (all; all)
Set Your Clock for Success: Time Management Tips (6-12; SM, F)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Students (6-Adult; SM, F, W)
NEW! So, You Want to Go to an Ivy League College? Tips for K-12 Students Aiming for Admission to Any Highly Selective College (all, all)
Study and Take Notes Effectively (6-12; SM, F, W)
Study Like a Pro: Acing APs, Finals, Regents, and More! (6-Adult; all)
Succeed as a Distance Learner (6- college; all)
Using Social Media Wisely during College Admissions (9-12; all)
NEW! What To Do If You’ve Been Deferred (12; January only)
Write a Great College Application Essay (11-12; SM, F)

Become a Crimson Community Partner
Crimson Coaching also partners with organizations and clubs to offer classes for students and webinars and in-person talks for parents.
Please contact us if you represent a non-profit, religious, social or community organization and would like to host Crimson Coaching’s next course or talk.