Giving Thanks This November
..but giving thanks doesn't need to be. When I taught high school history, I supplemented lessons about the first Thanksgiving with a little "social-emotional learning." (Do you know the Pilgrims ate deer, not turkey, gifted by the Massasoit?) As an online tutor, I'm especially thankful this year.
The teens thought it was corny. But, I thought it was important for these generally privileged kids to write a list about what they were thankful for. Many families do this around the table. Therefore, I thought I'd share mine with you, my Crimson Coaching family made up of online tutoring students, parents, and clients.
First and foremost, I'm thankful for my students. The kids I tutor online show me daily the meaning of persistence. Their creative thoughts about the future convinces me that our future as a country and a planet rests in competent hands.
Image by Glenn Carstens Peters on Unsplash
Next, I'm thankful for the internet. I'm not sure an online tutor could've survived the past eight months without it!
Fangirls and boys
Thirdly, I'm thankful for my "cheerleaders." My business mentor, Karen, provides me with sound counsel. My networking buddy, Holli, keeps me on track to accomplish my goals. Feedback from clients like Tawanda, who wrote, "Thanks for being you!" keep me motivated about my work as an online tutor.
Photo by @isthisrojan on Unsplash
Significantly, I'm thankful for my clients, who place their children's futures partially in my hands. I'm honored by their trust.
Most importantly, I'm thankful for family, without whose love and support I couldn't survive and thrive.
Photo by @lukephotography on Unsplash
My Imperfect But Evolving Country
Finally, this November -- with its Election and Veterans' Days -- I'm thankful to have been born in the United States, the first, large-scale, multi-racial, republic on the face of the earth.
Though the United States sure isn't perfect, but believing, as Dr. King did, that the arc of history bends toward justice, I'm humbled to know play a tiny part in making it better every day and to have a brother, dad, uncles and great-uncles who have kept it safe.
Got some "thankfuls" you'd like to share? Post a comment below or on Crimson Coaching’s Facebook page!
Wishing you and your children lots to be thankful for this November and always!